Use of the platform
- The results of the document generators depend on the answers you provide. Therefore, please go through the questionnaires carefully. We recommend you to read the explanation (if any) to each question. You are responsible to decide whether or not the document or advice fits your situation.
- If you place an order, you conclude an agreement with JuriDox and not with (one of) our knowledge partners. If you request additional work, the respective knowledge partner will contact you and an agreement may be concluded between you and the knowledge partner. See also Article 2.2.
- All documents and advices are based on Dutch regulation. Use of these documents outside of the Netherlands is at your own risk.
- JuriDox has a 100% satisfaction guarantee. If you are not satisfied with the document or advice, you may request a refund within 30 days after your order, on the condition that you already have paid for it. We appreciate it if you give us the opportunity to repair any shortcomings. If you make any claims under a refund policy, you may not use the document or advice.
- JuriDox makes best efforts to ensure that the legal documents and advices are up to date. Knowledge partners are carefully selected and all have an expert staff, who keep up with all changes in relevant regulation and modify the documents and advices accordingly.
Knowledge partners and additional work
- If JuriDox or one of its knowledge partners perform any complementary work on your request (you can make such request during the ordering process), this will be done at the rate indicated with the offer. For example, it is possible to have your generated document reviewed by a lawyer.
- You may also request additional work. Requests for additional work will always be handled by the knowledge partner for the respective document or advice. You will then conclude a separate agreement with the knowledge partner and you will be subject to the (general) terms and conditions of the knowledge partner. JuriDox cannot be held liable for the results of such requests for additional work. Of course, we want our knowledge partners to deliver high quality. We therefore appreciate it if you inform us if you are not satisfied by the results from the knowledge partner.
- It is possible to subscribe to certain documents. This option will be indicated with the offer for the document. If available, you can choose the subscription option during the ordering process.
- The subscription starts when you have placed the order and has a duration of 12 months. The fee for the subscription service must be paid upfront for each year.
- The agreement for the subscription is automatically renewed after the initial period for a same period. You may cancel the subscription at the end of the term referred to in paragraph 1, subject to a 12 months notice period. This cancellation policy also applies to JuriDox. Early termination of the agreement is not allowed.
- When you ordered a subscription, it is possible that JuriDox hosts your document in some cases. You will then receive a link (URL) that you can include on your website. By hosting your document, we can keep it up to date in realtime. JuriDox makes best efforts to keep the document accessible online.
Privacy, confidentiality and security
- JuriDox carefully deals with your personal data in accordance with the privacy statement on the website (it can be found in the footer of this webpage).
- JuriDox will treat the data that you provide as confidential and will not share it with third parties without your consent.
- JuriDox makes use of SSL certificates to enable a safe transfer of data and communications.
Intellectual property rights
- Copyrights, as well as other intellectual property rights, in all documents and generators made available by JuriDox and/or its knowledge partners are vested in JuriDox or its knowledge partners. You are only licensed to use the generated documents and advices for you own organization and for the purposes necessary for your business.
- It is not allowed to act as a provider of these generated documents or advices yourself, thereby competing with JuriDox. Visible and invisible features have been applied to detect infringement of the rights of Juridox.
- For each document or advice, the payable fee stated with the offer. The fee is always exclusive of VAT.
- Payments can be made via the payment methods that are displayed during the ordering process.
- You agree with electronic invoicing. The invoice will be made available in PDF and sent to you by e-mail.
Liability and force majeure
- Except in cases of intent or deliberate recklessness, the liability of JuriDox is limited to the amount that you have paid for the provided service with a maximum of EUR 1,000. JuriDox shall not have any liability for the “free” documents it makes available on its platform.
- You are only entitled to claim damages when you report the damage in writing to JuriDox within 30 days of discovery of the damages.
- You indemnify JuriDox against all third-party claims and fully compensate JuriDox for this.
- JuriDox has nog liability for damages during an event of force majeure.
Changes to terms and conditions
- JuriDox may modify these terms and conditions at any time. JuriDox shall announce any changes or additions at least thirty days before they come into effect by e-mail, so you can take note of it.
- If you do not accept a change of addition, you can cancel the agreement up to the date the new terms and conditions entry into force. Use of the platform after this date is regarded an acceptance of the modified or supplemented terms and conditions.